Utilize These Time Tested Methods For Eradicating Bedbugs Now

Bedbugs have been around since the 17th century however numbers were at their lowest between the 30's and 80's. Surprisingly since the 1980's bedbug numbers have been on the rise. Bedbugs are back with a vengeance! Some people think this is due to the amount of people who travel for business and pleasure and due to the ban of DDT. This article will cover tips on how to keep bedbugs out of your home.

Lara Smallman Bedroom Guardian Review

By making sure that your house is as clean and neat as possible, you may prevent bedbugs from appearing.

Doing this will make sure that your home is less hospitable to these tiny invaders as they can always enter a home in a variety of ways. Your home is less likely to be invaded by these little creatures if you keep it clutter free. Furniture, some surfaces, and your carpet are where these little bugs like to live so make sure you clean them regularly. Using hot water on your bedding is a good strategy to keep them away. Make sure any cracks in your floor or wall are sealed as this is a prime location where they may live.

Bedroom Guardian from Lara Smallman

Bedbugs can actually be repelled by certain natural substances. Typically used in aromatherapy, lavender oil is one such repellent. Most people enjoy the smell of lavender and therefore it is great for keeping bedbugs away. You can use a little when rinsing your clothes, and also when ironing. You can make a spray by putting a few drops of lavender oil into a spray bottle with water. If you must use lavender oil on your body, always used lavender based body lotions instead of the concentrated essential oil itself.

Although doing all of this will not kill the bedbugs, nor prevent a serious infestation, it will help to keep them away as you prepare to eliminate them.

At your local pharmacy, you can pick up some boric acid powder which is a great repellent for bedbugs. Using this white powder, place it around the area that you sleep, but not directly under the covers. This powder should be placed in cracks and any pathway that leads to your bed to prevent their entry. Another tool to use is boric acid which can repel bedbugs but also kill cockroaches if you have them. If you have been vacuuming and steam cleaning regularly, but cannot get rid of your bedbugs, you can also call an exterminator for help.

In conclusion, bedbugs are not dangerous, but they can be extremely disturbing if you find them in your home. The bites they inflict can be itchy and painful, and just the idea that these tiny little predators are feeding on you can be upsetting. The final step is finding a way to get rid of these bugs once and for all and out of your life completely.


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